Coding in English

Imparare a programmare ci aiuta a dare un senso al mondo che cambia rapidamente intorno a noi, ad ampliare la nostra comprensione di come funziona la tecnologia e a sviluppare abilità e capacità al fine di esplorare nuove idee e innovare. 


La settimana europea della programmazione è un’iniziativa che nasce dal basso e mira a portare la programmazione e l’alfabetizzazione digitale a tutti in modo divertente e coinvolgente. Noi la facciamo in inglese - corsi A e B con Mrs. M.

1A and 1B classes


  1. GET to Scratch tutorial. CLICK HERE
  2. ALLOW FLASH to run
  3. USE the English interface   (Mrs. M will show you where to find it)
  4. LOOK at the bottom of the screen. FIND the "Getting Started with Scratch" video. GO STEP BY STEP!
  5. DO all the activities
  6. REPORT to your teacher once you have finished.

SECOND PART- Classi prime: how to animate a name

  1. Use your sheet of paper to help
  2. Look at the tutorial HERE (In case allow FLASH to run)
  3. Create an animated name
  4. You can go on with other tutorials if you want but run them IN ENGLISH.

Don't forget to save your story into Mrs. M's folder on your computer with your name and class.

2A and 2B classes

Classi Seconde: revise! click HERE.

Then learn how to create an animation

  1. Create a story. Go to this PAGE. Watch the video and try to reproduce the story. Once you've done it report to Mrs. M.
  2. you can go on with the tutorials but run them in ENGLISH.
  3. Save the files into Mrs M's folder on your computer with your names (NO SURNAME) and class.
  4. Report to Mrs. M at the end of the activity.

3A and 3B classes

Classi Terze: revise! click HERE.

Then learn how to create a quiz

  1. go to the quiz file tutorial, Click the space bar. 
    In case, ALLOW FLASH to run
  2. Try a quiz of yours. For example: you can create a quiz to revise vocabulary, grammar structures or cultural themes. Use the platform HERE. You can close the tutorial. 
  3. Once you've done it report to Mrs. M.
  4. Save the files into Mrs M's folder on your computer with your names (NO SURNAME) and class
  5. Report to Mrs. M at the end of the activity.
  6. If you want, you can try all the tutorials HERE but use them IN ENGLISH please.