
Lab activities

Tuesday January 14th 2025

A) Be - past tense - ultimi ripassi


Schedawas/were tutte le forme


  1. ex1
  2. ex2
  3. ex3
  4. ex4
  5. ex5
  6. ex6
  7. ex7 test - correzione istantanea
  8. ex8 test - correzione istantanea
  9. ex9

B) physical description


  1. ex1 (fate i tre esercizi - pulsanti rosa in alto 1-2-3)
  2. ex2 (fate i tre esercizi sulla pagina)
  3. ex3 
  4. ex4


Friday December 20th 2024

A) Grammar: Past tense of BE (was/were)


Schedawas/were tutte le forme

  1. ex1
  2. ex2
  3. ex3
  4. ex4
  5.  ex5
  6. ex6
  7. ex7
  8. ex8
  9. ex9
  10. ex10
  11. ex 11


B) Vocabulary: musical instruments and music


  1. ex 1
  2. ex 2
  3. ex 3
  4. ex 4
  5. ex 5
  6. ex 6

C) Physical description

  1. ex1
  2. ex2
  3. ex3
  4. ex4

D) Winter holidays 

  1. winter
  2. winter 2
  3. Christmas
  4. Christmas 2



Compiti delle vacanze

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Thursday February 1st 2024





A) Past simple - negative form


  1. A1
  2. A2
  3. A3
  4. A4
  5. A5
  6. A6
  7. A7

B) Past simple - Interrogative form (vedi scheda nella parte A)

  1. B1
  2. B2
  3. B3
  4. B4
  5. B5

C) Revision of irregular verbs for the test (verbs from B to G)

  1. ex C1 (game designed by Mrs. M - leggete bene le istruzioni) 
  2. ex C2

D) Town and transports (anticipation)


  1. D1
  2. D2
  3. D3
  4. D4
  5. D5
  6. D6


Thursday January 18th 2024

A) Past simple - regular verbs (+)


  1. ex A1
  2. ex A2
  3. ex A3
  4. ex A4
  5. ex A5
  6. ex A6

B) Past simple - irregular verbs (+)



  1. ex B1
  2. ex B2
  3. ex B3
  4. ex B4
  5. ex B5
  6. ex B6
  7. ex B7 (game designed by Mrs. M - leggete bene le istruzioni) 

C) Town and transports (anticipation)

  1. ex C1
  2. ex C2
  3. ex C3
  4. ex C4
  5. ex C5
  6. ex C6
  7. ex C7
  8. ex C8
  9. ex C9


Friday December 22nd 2023

A) Past simple - regular verbs (+)


  1. ex A1
  2. ex A2
  3. ex A3
  4. ex A4
  5. ex A5
  6. ex A6
  7. ex A7
  8. ex A8

B) Past simple - irregular verbs (+)



  1. ex B1
  2. ex B2
  3. ex B3
  4. ex B4

C) Christmas and winter

  1. ex C1
  2. ex C2
  3. ex C3
  4. ex C4
  5. ex C5
  6. ex C6
  7. ex C7
  8. ex C8


Monday December 4th

Finite gli esercizi che non avete concluso la scorsa volta (November 23rd)


A) Grammar: WAS/WERE


Scheda: was/were tutte le forme



  1. ex1
  2. ex2
  3. ex3
  4. ex4
  5. ex5
  6. ex6
  7. ex7
  8. ex8


   B) Vocabulary (anticipation)


1.   ex1

2.   ex2

3.   ex3

4.   ex4

5.   ex5

6.   ex6


7.   ex7

8. ex8

9. ex9

Thursday November 23rd 2023

A) Grammar: Past tense of BE (was/were)


Schedawas/were tutte le forme

  1. ex1
  2. ex2
  3. ex3
  4. ex4
  5.  ex5
  6. ex6
  7. ex7
  8. ex8
  9. ex9
  10. ex10
  11. ex 11


B) Vocabulary: musical instruments and music


  1. ex 1
  2. ex 2
  3. ex 3
  4. ex 4
  5. ex 5
  6. ex 6


Verifica sui Quantifiers

Video e mappe sono in Teams

  1. some, any, a, an
  2. some, any, a, an 2
  3. how much / how many
  4. a lot of / lots of / much / many
  5. a lot of / lots of / much / many 2
  6. a little / a few

Potete anche rifare gli esercizi del 5 ottobre qui sotto che avete svolto durante le sedute in laboratorio.
See you soon!

Thursday October 5th 2023

Nel quaderno ricordate di segnare:

- la data

- la tipologia e il numero dell'esercizio seguiti dalla performance. Se la performance è inferiore a 7/10 o 70%, rifate l'esercizio:

es: A-1=100%



A) Present continuous:

  • Scheda: sopra questo post
  1. ex 1 https://agendaweb.org/verbs/present-continuous/index.html
  2. ex 2 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-continuous-progressive/positive-negative-questions-write
  3. ex 3 https://wordwall.net/it/resource/36311783
  4. ex 4 https://agendaweb.org/exercises/verbs/present-continuous-progressive/wh-questions-write
  5. ex 5 https://www.engblocks.com/grammar/exercises/tenses/present-continous-short-answers/
  6. ex 6 https://wordwall.net/it/resource/51862890

B) Food:

  1. ex 1 food audio 1
  2. ex 2 food match 2
  3. ex 3 food 3
  4. ex 4 food 4 audio
  5. ex 5 food 5 write
  6. ex 6 food 6 write
  7. ex 7 fruit audio
  8. ex 8 vegetables game
  9. ex 9 drinks 1
  10. food general quiz

Computer Lab session - October 26th 2022


Compiti delle vacanze

SCADENZA: prima settimana di settembre - inviate lo screenshot dei risultati a Mrs. M via chat privata di Teams.


Come fare uno screenshot dal PC: tutorial QUI


A) Grammar

  1. exercises 1,2,3 (present continuous vs present simple)
  2. exercises 1,2,3 (was/were)
  3. exercises 1,2,3 (past simple negative and interrogative forms)
  4. exercises 1,2,3 (future)
  5. exercises 1,2,3 (comparatives)
  6. exercise 1 (superlatives)
  7. exercises 2,3 and 4 (quantities)

B) Vocabulary - listening and reading comprehensions

  1. Last summer
  2. murder and alibis
  3. London and New York

I ragazzi con eventuali debiti devono svolgere interamente i compiti assegnati e allegati alla pagella. Non sono tenuti a fare i compiti indicati qui sopra. 


Have a nice Summer time!

Lab session - Wednesday June 1st 2022

Lab session - Tuesday May 3rd 2022

A) Grammar

  1. Have to
  2. Must
  3. Must /mustn't
  4. Must/mustn't 2
  5. Must/mustn't (due giochi da fare dopo la spiegazione)
  6. Must, can, have to, mustn't
  7. Mustn't/don't have to
  8. Must/have to
  9. Must/mustn't/have to/don't have to

B) Vocabulary: Chores and introduction to illnesses

  1. Chores 5 (quiz)
  2. Chores 6 (done)
  3. Chores 7 (finish/check my answers)
  4. Chores 8
  5. Illnesses 1
  6. Illnesses 2
  7. Illnesses 3
  8. Illnesses 4
  9. Illnesses 5 (should=dovresti)

Lab session - Friday April 1st 2022

A) Grammar

  1. Comparatives 1
  2. Comparatives 2
  3. Comparatives 3
  4. Comparatives 4 (alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  5. Superlatives 1
  6. Superlatives 2 (listening + 2 exercises)
  7. Superlatives 3 (reading + 4 exercises - call Mrs M to explain it to you)
  8. Superlatives 4
  9. Comparatives/superlatives 1
  10. Comparatives/superlatives2
  11. Comparatives/superlatives 3

B) Next unit Vocabulary introduction: Chores

  1. Chores 1 (alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  2. Chores 2 (listening. Alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  3. Chores 3 (1 esercizio + 1 game)
  4. Chores 4 (1 esercizio + 1 game)
  5. Chores 5 (quiz)

Lab session - Wednesday February 23rd

Lab session - Wednesday December 22nd

  1. Past simple regular verbs 1
  2. Past simple regular verbs 2
  3. Past simple regular verbs 3
  4. Christmas time (alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  5. Christmas vocabulary (alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  6. Christmas memory 1
  7. Christmas memory 2
  8. Christmas crosswords
  9. Spot the differences
  10. Christmas quiz (alla fine cliccare FINISH e poi CHECK MY ANSWERS)
  11. Game 

Le lezioni, le attività interattive, le mappe e le correzioni di alcuni esercizi sono scaricabili da TEAMS